Actor Vishal's 33rd film, which has been titled 'Mark Antony', helmed by director Adhik Ravichandran has been progressing at a brisk pace. While Ritu Varma will be playing the female lead in the film, director turned actor SJ Suryah is playing an important role in the film. Now, the team has begun the final schedule of shooting the film is nearing completion.
The film has been planned as a pan-Indian project, releasing in five languages- Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi. The film also stars Telugu actor Sunil Verma and Nizhalgal Ravi in prominent roles. GV Prakash Kumar is composing the music for the film.
Vijay Velukutty & Abhinandan Ramanujam have been roped in as the editor and cinematographer respectively. Stunt directors Kanal Kannan, Peter Hein, and Ravi Varma are doing the stunts with Umesh Rajkumar doing the production design.