Actor Sivakarthikeyan is currently shooting for his film ‘Maaveran’ with director Madonne Ashwin. The film stars Aditi Shankar as the female lead and the movie went on floors in July 2022. Over the past few days, many rumours regarding the film being shelved were doing rounds on social media, however, the claims had no proof. Taking to social media on January 25, the movie makers made an official statement that it is all baseless rumours and added that the movie shooting is in progress.
The official statement read that the film being shelved is a baseless rumour and also requested the fans to not believe any of the online statements being circulated. The production house also said that the team of ‘Maaveran’ is tirelessly working to deliver a memorable film. Taking to Twitter, producer Arun Viswa who is producing the film said, “How can influencers, trackers, verified handles, and even news channels carry baseless allegations and make news out of it? Loads of young talents and loads of money are at stake! Kindly verify with the team or PRO before you post.”
‘Maaveran’ is directed by Madonne Ashwin and it is his second venture after the film ‘Madela’ that featured Yogi Babu in the lead role. ‘Maaveran; is said to be a family entertainer and the film is expected to release this year. The film’s cast includes Sivakarthikeyan, Aditi Shankar, Mysskin, Sunil, Saritha, and Yogi Babu. The music for the movie is composed by Bharath Sankar.