Yesterday heroine Urvashi Rautela posted a story on her Instagram featuring Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital, the same where cricketer Rishab Pant has been transferred to. Upon the post, the internet has gone viral over it calling her out for skulking and mentally harassing him.
Rishab Pant – Urvashi Rautela were involved with each other for some time and their fight has gone ugly over the internet. Post this, she has been targeting with offensive and derogatory posts & comments, while Rishab slowly stopped responding to her.
After his recent road accident, he was transferred to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital for treatment and Urvashi’s posting the same has been much criticised. People also have called out the hypocrisy of many, stating that the consequences would have been different if the same was done by a man.
Urvashi – Rishabh never confirmed their relationship on any front, but they were engaged in a war of words on social media. Rishabh Pant met with a car accident on December 30, on his way from Delhi to his hometown Rourkee. Reportedly he lost control on the NH-58 highway before hitting the divider as fell asleep at the wheel when the accident happened.