Veteran music composer MM Keeravaani on Thursday said he is honoured to be conferred with Padma Shri, the fourth-highest civilian award. Keeravaani, currently receiving praise for his work on SS Rajamouli's "RRR", and actor Raveena Tandon were conferred with the honour by the government on Wednesday night.
In a post on Twitter, the 61-year-old music director dedicated the award to his parents and mentors.
"Much honoured by the civilian award from the Govt of India. Respect for my parents and all of my mentors from Kavitapu Seethanna garu to Kuppala Bulliswamy Naidu garu on this occasion," Keeravaani wrote.
Keeravaani, who recently received the Golden Globe award for the Telugu song "Naatu Naatu" from the epic period action drama "RRR", only Tuesday scooped up an Academy Award nomination for the track, making it the first Indian song to reach the final five in the best original song category.
Rajamouli, Keeravaani's cousin and "RRR" director, congratulated the music composer for being chosen for the honour.