If all goes well, 2023 might just be the year actor Jagapathi Babu has been waiting for. The veteran actor, who’s done over 150 films in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam films, will soon debut in Hindi with Salman Khan’s Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ka Jaan, apart from featuring in an unnamed project with Aayush Sharma.
But what gotten his south fans excited is the news that he might just bag a big part in Sukumar’s Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna-starrer Pushpa: The Rule, sources confirm. “Jagapathi Babu has worked with Sukumar in Nannaku Prematho and Rangasthalam before, so the duo know each other’s style. But this role in Pushpa that Sukumar is looking to fill is a very important one; he is so particular about this role that Jagapathi even agreed to audition for it. His audition went off well, but the casting is not officially finalised yet. It will be soon.”
Allu Arjun, meanwhile, is already in Vizag to commence shooting for the film. “While the makers did shoot a few scenes before, they were not huge portions. A 12-day schedule has kicked off from Saturday on, featuring the main cast. After wrapping up shooting in Vizag, the makers will head to Hyderabad, then Maredumalli. The final schedule will take place abroad, possibly Bangkok,” adds the source.