2023 January seems like a special festival for Balayya fans as Nandamuri Balakrishna is coming up with his film “Veera Simha Reddy” as a Sankranti gift along with releasing episodes of Aha’s “Unstoppable” almost every week of the month. Aha’s Twitter handles posted a schedule of releases for their most successful show “Unstoppable” hosted by Balayya.While the Mega fans and the Nandamuri fans are eagerly waiting for the release of Powerstar Pavan Kalyan’s episode, it comes to our knowledge that the rumours of the episode being streamed on January 13th as a Sankranti special are not true.PThe episode might be streaming from the 26th of January as a Republic Day special. Fans need not be disappointed though as there is a special Veera Simha Reddy episode that shall be on air from the 13th of January.The second part of the episode with Prabhas will be streamed from January 6th. This month, already the “Favourite heroines” episode and “Baahubali – 1” episode have been released. Bahubali – 1 episode crashed the Aha app which led to viral memes all over the internet. The same is expected to happen for PSPK x NBK episode too.
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